Monday, May 22, 2006

Itchy Feet

Unexpectedly my last schedule for the day is cancelled. The silly producer didn't realise that the material she was supposed to receive would be a finished one, and therefore she does not need our services at all. Sigh. And all the back and forth on such small amount of money. So here I am, at 6pm with nothing else to do. Well, that's not exactly true but something like that. All the other stuff can wait till tomorrow.

One of my housemate is away on business and the other is working the night away. What am I going to do alone at home? Another night with the desperate housewives? Or should I call a friend for coffee, or should I call my crush for a movie, or should I call another for a date? I've got itchy feet. Someone help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing can help u beside yourself, bcause the problem is within u...friend ! :)