Thursday, June 02, 2005

Measuring the quality of your life

There is an Indonesian saying that goes,"Elephant dies leaving its tusks, people dies leaving a name."

How many of us actually think about how we will be remembered after we leave this world? How many of us actually think about the kind of legacy we leave our children? How many of us living life believing that there is a purpose in our existence? Fewer than you think. We go through life simply passing each stage hoping that the next one is easier, less painful. As egotistical creatures, we think of ourselves above everything else. No fame, nor fortune can really tell of the kind of life we live. The only true measure is after we die.

When RP passed away a couple of days ago, it went into front page of Jakarta's biggest broadsheet newspaper. He was a prominent person; instrumental in the development of a nation. But surely, the man must have done many things right when people actually lined up for hours to give their condolences to the family. I admired him. He was a man with vision, and faith and love. He helped me become the person that I am today through my education.

Everything in his life was a labour of love. With it, he touched many lives.. And he will live in many memories and continued to be remembered because of what he had done whilst living.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who's RP?