Friday, February 16, 2007

Matchmade My Parents

Somehow I missed the turning point from being an attractive, independent single girl to an attractive, independent single-for-too-long-girl. Another valentine day's passed and I am still without a beau to show. My parents showed me their concern a few months back, but after a discussion they could not rebuke my arguments; for the last thing they want is a daughter who marries just anyone. When it comes to their children's happiness, parents often decide that fate needs a helping (...meddling) hand -- and they take it upon themselves, to try to find their son/daughter the ideal son/daughter-in-law.

At a recent hospital visit, my father and mother meet this lovely woman who out of the blue started inquiring about other people's eligible children. She started her question from where we live, my mum's practice, etc. Mum thought that it was all very strange, but then again the world is full of strange people. She began to think that something really strange is going on when one day this lady paid a visit to our empty house (everyone was working and out of the house) and asked even more questions to my maid. My good maid gave her my mother's business cards and told her to contact my mum.

She did. It was when she revealed her true intentions. She wanted to get to know: ME. Thank god for my mum's sanity, because she in her own polite way managed to dodge every possible chance of ever meeting this woman and her son, who turned out to be a school friend of mine. Well, we're not exactly friends... but we did go to the same school. It was all very hilarious. She actually made my friend talked to my mum (that's how she found out that we actually went to the same school) and that if he was interested in me, he should just gave me a call. Yes, she did give his mother my phone number.

This was a few weeks ago. So far, no phone calls.

Isn't it strange that a single girl in a big city like Jakarta can be seen as unable to find her own beau? That somebody else's mother should do the picking? I found it disturbing that parents "go-shopping" for their children's lifelong partner. It is interesting that in this era of equal rights, women's independence and all... we're still objectified.

I'm sure that woman means no harm. All of those thoughts I mentioned above probably did not cross her mind at all. She loves her son. She just wants the best for him; she thinks I'm probably good for him. I should just be flattered.


Faetryn said...

haha! ada ada ajaaa... thank goodness for mum´s common sense.

mister::G said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Cynth