Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Under Paranoia

Like any other big cities, Jakarta is abundant in crimes; street vandalism, crime of desperation, crime of passion, white-collar crime... Anything. I don't know anyone who hasn't had a brushed with some kind of crime. As more and more people found out about what happened to me, stories began to flow. Somebody's co-worker was robbed under gunpoint, somebody's boss got stabbed even after she gave everything. Even more advice followed; never stop your car unsupervised (...always go into a secured office building with security guards, etc), have your car tinted to maximum, stand by a steel rod, etc.

Partly common sense, partly paranoia, I leave my house every morning after the incident with full guard. I worry when motorcycles ride too close to me. I don't place my purse next to me anymore, but instead under my seat, I hate traffic jams (not because of obvious reasons but because it gives a chance for motorbikes to "spy" on me. It's insane.

The newspapers metropolitan section are filled with stories of economic desperation. The increased living standard is not followed by salary adjustment. The government seems to be almost paralysed by numerous problems; one bigger than the other, that no matter how much effort being put into improving the situation, the effect never reaches the folks on the street. When citizens have to fend for their own well being and can no longer hope for government assistance, what becomes of this city? What role does a government play on the stage of our daily lives?

I try to put my incident in perspective and not let paranoia rule. It's bloody hard I tell you. Wish me luck...

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