Saturday, April 02, 2005

Love and Music

Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.

On my last trip to KL I was reminded of my first love all over again. Music. I spent one whole night ripping CDs and chilling and listening to them. I extended my stay just to see and hear one of the world's favourite DJs playing at Zouk. (Photos of me and me mates: L-R Marcel, Cheryl, me and Terry).

Music is one of the many beautiful things in life. I listen to almost every genre; even if my first preference would be jazz - I listen to everything from jazz, rock, pop, r&b, soul, blues, to dance music.

When it comes to first love and love in general, most of us would reminisce on the good memories, stupid stuff that we did in the name of love. We'd learn to play guitar to impress a guy. We'd try to come up with poetry to woo a girl. When my 30-odd something friend decided to pick up DJ-ing because she loved dancing and music so much, no one took her seriously. But her love for them was her sole driving force - Many months later on her first debut as a DJ, she impressed not only her friends but also a general audience.

When you do things with love, it breathes the stuff that you do, conveys the passion that you put in and makes it all worthwhile. It may not be the best, but when you spread love, be sure that you will get love in return.

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