Friday, September 12, 2008

A busted bubble

It was a moment of insanity, one said. It was a moment when electrical currents run through your body creating an adrenaline high. It was a moment where minutes turned into hours, and days turned into weeks. It felt like blowing transparent rainbow bubble full of dreams of the moment.

You keep the rainbow bubble safe at the back of your mind, checking it back every now and then. At least once a year, it gets taken out of the safe for some spring cleaning. Memories bring out new colours that put a smile on your face. Every now and then.

Then there was a second moment. You would think that it would be similar to the first one. You would think that it would make your bubble more beautiful, but this time around it had prickly thorns that eventually blew everything up. Your pretty, transparent rainbow bubble of dreams made a big sound of pop, only to vanish into thin air.

Suddenly it was no more.

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