The best thing about being single is the ability to have multiple ego-boosting experiences when it comes to men. The looks of adoration, the uncomplicated language of hello and good byes in strange places, the generous amount of free alcohol are definite perks. In as much the single girls want the full-on meaningful "R" and the comfort and safety that comes with it, most of us who have been single for far too long become good at this, and learned to enjoy this state. Human beings crave for that attention and we learned to take it when it's there for the taking.
A single girl was going out with a 'friend' who was supposedly 'interested' (...this term is further to be defined). They had an absolute blast, and as part of a drunken stupor misinterpret a hand signal to be an invitation for a kiss. No animal was hurt in this proceeding, and both parties ended the act with content. This was a pre-text for another, obviously. A good kisser is not to be wasted, and the best way to appreciate him/her is to have as many kisses as possible.
Another single girl in another town was out with some friends. Recently she began to have some issues with age and her singleton status, and her mates decided to cheer her up. They spotted a cute boy in her 20s, and said, "It's her birthday today, do something to her." Our cute little 20 year old dutifully responded by giving our single girl one of his best, most luscious kiss.
Another single girl in another town went a little bit further with the boys in this department. She lived up her fantasy by being her own Mrs. Robinson to innocent young English subjects in London town. Her specialty was educating these boys on utilising physical prowess to much better use, for the glory and happiness of girls around the world.
Little is known to the rest of single girls' #1 story. The term "interested" which is to be defined may or may not present complication. She is fully aware of the stakes and quite happy to leave things the way they are at the moment, with the hope of something (... again, to be further defined).
Single girl #2 feels better about herself now, but continue to remain single until she can work out her own issues with the "R" word.
Our third single girl is now fully retired from her post as an educator to settle down with a lovely young chap called P. He is a few years younger, but seems to have mastered the balance of physical prowess and technique with the added bit of love and romance as a complete package.
Until then, the single girls will continue to take where they can, when they can, and what they can!
16 years ago
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