Thursday, October 30, 2008

Colour Blind

For far too long our culture cultivates the black and white dichotomy, in which you're either this or that and there's nothing in between. Grey is not a colour; it is an undesirable stand point reserves only for the weak and undecided. Black or white is also often seen from a hierarchical view, where one is superior than the other or vice versa, depending on who's looking. We struggle to create a dialog that does not result in a shouting match. We struggle to converse without winning. For far too long, we are enslaved by our colours: red or blue, black or white, brown or yellow, green or blue.

The US Presidential Campaign is trying hard to NOT make it about race. But how can you not? For the first time the United States of America will have a person of colour (...that is not white) as a potential future president. It will be the first test for the democracy and equality they loudly preach around the world. The US Election should NOt be about race; it should be about what it good for the country. We will see if America is ready to be colour blind in a few days.

I once asked a foreigner friend what she thinks about having a relationship with a local guy. "I don't mind the idea. After all, a relationship is about the emotional connection you have with the other person and not about where he comes from. Those things are what makes him what he is, and that's what you found attractive. But,... it is hard for me to shake off doubts on whether he likes me for who I am, or he likes me because I could be a meal ticket." I understand her thinking completely. We hear horror stories about these type of relationships more often than the happily-ever-after kind. Generally, we hear more stories about failed relationships and remember them better, because sucessful relationships only exist in movie theatres. We'd like to think that we can be colour blind, but we can never be sure.

We are a generation who is bitter and jaded, yet still holding on to the possibility of that bit of romance. Therefore, it is really refreshing to come across something like Colour Blind.

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