Friday, November 16, 2007

I want it to be RIGHT

I hate it when somebody says, "I don't have a choice. I have to do it." It's BS. Everybody has a choice. Most of the times when somebody says something like that, it really means that he/she doesn't have a choice that he/she likes, or is willing to do. If you think having to choose something that you don't like is hard, having to choose one out of two things you like is actually even harder.
  • Make a list of pros and cons and see which comes with more pros. The results are equal.
  • Which one do you want more? I want both.
  • Which one brings you more money? They're equal.
  • Which place do you like more? I like them both.
What you get in the end is people shrugging their shoulders, exasperated look on their face saying, "It's up to you. It's your call." Thanks.

The most difficult thing about having to choose one thing over another is, you want to be sure that you've chosen the right thing. They might both be good. But only one can be right. And you want to make THAT right decision which will lead to many more right things in our lives.

We often obsess about "getting it right". We like it when we won an argument. We like it when things work according to plan. But actually, right or wrong is relative. Life is too long of journey to be worrying about whether or not you're making the right move, meeting the right people, carrying the right purse, etc. It should be enough to believe in your instincts and make a right, and cherish the ups and downs that come down with that road.

After all, there is never a "right" experience. It's an experience.

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