I caught Ocean 13 just as it was about to be taken off the cinemas, and enjoyed the moment of camraderie between Rusty and Danny when they watched Oprah together (thanks Cal!). A moment of boys sharing their moments together; without the macho shoulder bumping, the loud laughs over beer, or the crazy yells over sports on telly. Boys quietly appreciating Oprah. Boys watch it, too... although they would never admit it. And they talked about their girlfriends/partners, too. In the most non-communicative, un-detailed, non-verbal conversation-kinda way. Watching that scene becomes somewhat a validation of something girls always thought of but never seen. It's like, proof! See!! If it's in the movies then it must be real! Ha!
It is common knowledge that when girls get together, they would talk about guys. Without fail. I know. I am one of them. Our conversations range from the most mundane facts of our relationship (or in my case lack of them) to the greatest detail of one's sexual encounter. Girls ponder upon why guys often ask the question, "what are you wearing?" over the phone. We start asking questions when someone who is close to us for the last few months suddenly gone quiet on the communication front; we assume then talk to our girlfriends, who normally make even worse assumptions. The sisterhood comes to a conclusion that one should ask subtly and thus, save herself from possible humiliation whenever the answer makes sense and does not confirm our paranoia. Girls grows up in a circle of support where sharing details of the story is almost as important as the story itself. The details are the nuts and bolts, the razzle dazzle that REALLY is a story/person/event. At times it is known as reading between the lines, at other times it is known as reading too much into nothing. A very fine line, that is.
We're just different creatures, boys and girls. Communication is something that we both need to learn. To me the hard thing is not the act of communicating; it is overcoming my own ego and pride that is even harder. I want to ask, but oh... it has to be the right time, when we're on the right topic, after the right food, never after a certain beverage. Ugh.
A very wise man once told me,"Whenever in doubt, just ask". Yeah, you do it!
16 years ago
1 comment:
Amen, sista!
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