Monday, June 04, 2007


Today the show opens for special invitations and members of the press. I had trouble sleeping at night, much like a 5 year old resisting her afternoon nap before her birthday party, anxiety, excitement, fear and many undescribable emotions. It wasn't that I was concern of MY performance, or how I look, or how people would think of ME; but I worry that things will fall apart and the show couldn't hold itself together. But then look at the title of the show.


I love the performing arts world because of its ability to transport people to "a moment" of magic; for both the performers and the audience. I love it because it gives me such thrill, even if I was only looking from backstage or on the highs of the bio box. I need that "moment"; because for a brief second you feel like you're giving something to others. The moment of giving has everything to do with sincerity, about serving a greater purpose -- a story, an audience, something bigger than yourself. It is when you give yourself completely to be merely a tool that you lost yourself and gain something else. When you give that, you give love. And love overcomes fear.

Wish me luck all!

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