Thursday, June 28, 2007

What boys and girls talk about

I caught Ocean 13 just as it was about to be taken off the cinemas, and enjoyed the moment of camraderie between Rusty and Danny when they watched Oprah together (thanks Cal!). A moment of boys sharing their moments together; without the macho shoulder bumping, the loud laughs over beer, or the crazy yells over sports on telly. Boys quietly appreciating Oprah. Boys watch it, too... although they would never admit it. And they talked about their girlfriends/partners, too. In the most non-communicative, un-detailed, non-verbal conversation-kinda way. Watching that scene becomes somewhat a validation of something girls always thought of but never seen. It's like, proof! See!! If it's in the movies then it must be real! Ha!

It is common knowledge that when girls get together, they would talk about guys. Without fail. I know. I am one of them. Our conversations range from the most mundane facts of our relationship (or in my case lack of them) to the greatest detail of one's sexual encounter. Girls ponder upon why guys often ask the question, "what are you wearing?" over the phone. We start asking questions when someone who is close to us for the last few months suddenly gone quiet on the communication front; we assume then talk to our girlfriends, who normally make even worse assumptions. The sisterhood comes to a conclusion that one should ask subtly and thus, save herself from possible humiliation whenever the answer makes sense and does not confirm our paranoia. Girls grows up in a circle of support where sharing details of the story is almost as important as the story itself. The details are the nuts and bolts, the razzle dazzle that REALLY is a story/person/event. At times it is known as reading between the lines, at other times it is known as reading too much into nothing. A very fine line, that is.

We're just different creatures, boys and girls. Communication is something that we both need to learn. To me the hard thing is not the act of communicating; it is overcoming my own ego and pride that is even harder. I want to ask, but oh... it has to be the right time, when we're on the right topic, after the right food, never after a certain beverage. Ugh.

A very wise man once told me,"Whenever in doubt, just ask". Yeah, you do it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I started looking for live music in this town a few weeks ago for I am tired of the same bar, club scene frequented by all. For 2 Friday in a row, we managed to get good soul food. Talented musos, good venue and fun crowd --- all makes for good music, even if they play covers. Not simply covers though, well interpreted songs.

Souleh & Soulejah played @ Cafe Au Lait
Strange Fruit played @ D'place, Sarinah Thamrin

Blogging In My Head

So many things happened in the last few weeks that I have not had time to blog properly on this site. On my actual blog. I blog for a few seconds in my head whilst driving, whilst waiting for coffee to boil and of course I forgot all about them. I thought that I'd try to put down scraps of stuff that remains before I, really do not remember!

For those who does not know of its existence, oh my god! click on the link above and find out and get yourself a copy of season 1. it's science fiction meets drama, without the geeky creatures, and soapy characters and oh, the pretty people is not that pretty which makes it, much more desirable.

One night, 3 girls were sitting down for a glass of good mojito in a bar and embarked on a deep meaningful conversation about the series. Here are some stuff we came up with on why we love the series. Okay, so some say it's cheesy what happens between Peter and Nathan; but that's brotherly love. Peter has never been strong and confident, he seeks validation all his life, but no matter what Nathan has always been there. That's love. Real love.

And yes, one doubts how a person with a multiple personality disorder can truly understand love and even love someone(s). Niki and Jessica does, for they're all and the same and everything they do, it's for the ones they love. The two personalities just love differently.

Save the world, save the cheerleader! A father who finally realises that what matters is his daughter. His love for her surpasses memory.

I can go on and on and on...


A term invented by the crazy, weird, beautiful Renu over dinner while we were talking about men. Everyone on the dinner table has lived in another country before, and when it comes to men we came to an agreement that intellectual men are hard to come by. That was not a feminist, burning bras, male bashing type of conversation but it was just a statement agreed by all.

We concluded that most men are intimidated by signs of intelligence in a woman, which is why on first encounters we have to "bimboesque" ourselves. We laughed hard because at some level, there's a lot of truth in that.

I take comments from the male population...

This post is longer than I expected. Apparently, I remember more once I start writing them. More posts to come. Don't get bored.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Under Paranoia

Like any other big cities, Jakarta is abundant in crimes; street vandalism, crime of desperation, crime of passion, white-collar crime... Anything. I don't know anyone who hasn't had a brushed with some kind of crime. As more and more people found out about what happened to me, stories began to flow. Somebody's co-worker was robbed under gunpoint, somebody's boss got stabbed even after she gave everything. Even more advice followed; never stop your car unsupervised (...always go into a secured office building with security guards, etc), have your car tinted to maximum, stand by a steel rod, etc.

Partly common sense, partly paranoia, I leave my house every morning after the incident with full guard. I worry when motorcycles ride too close to me. I don't place my purse next to me anymore, but instead under my seat, I hate traffic jams (not because of obvious reasons but because it gives a chance for motorbikes to "spy" on me. It's insane.

The newspapers metropolitan section are filled with stories of economic desperation. The increased living standard is not followed by salary adjustment. The government seems to be almost paralysed by numerous problems; one bigger than the other, that no matter how much effort being put into improving the situation, the effect never reaches the folks on the street. When citizens have to fend for their own well being and can no longer hope for government assistance, what becomes of this city? What role does a government play on the stage of our daily lives?

I try to put my incident in perspective and not let paranoia rule. It's bloody hard I tell you. Wish me luck...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


It happened yesterday morning... I was driving and a few people on motorcycles were pointing towards my rear right wheel. I couldn't make out what they said and I was suspicious for a while. I kept on driving until I found a convenient place to stop. I stopped, and without turning the engine off I stepped out of the car to check my rear right wheel. Obviously there was nothing wrong. It was very quick. Less than 2 minutes, and I didn't see anything or anyone.

I got back into the car and the front passenger door was ajar. And everything was GONE!! My iPod that was playing, my phone that was next to it with my headset, my laptop bag and my hand bag that has probably around 2 million rups in cash because I was going to drop by the bank. Everything was GONE.

It was like a scene in a movie where you know someone has left without saying goodbye. When you see the door ajar and wind blows the curtain. Empty. Gone. Those B&*%^$%!!

On a lighter note, I guess I should be grateful that they just took stuff and not hurt me, or had me at gun point/knife or something really horrible like that. Now it's just the hassle of trying to organise everything back and get new cards, etc. And get the old number back again. That's a little update on what's going on. Some of you might try to contact me on the mobile and failed -- That's the reason...

Friday, June 08, 2007


It is finally over. As much as I longed for this moment to come, I couldn't help feeling a little lost. All of a sudden all my nights are free again. No more rehearsals, no more bitching about the traffic going to the rehearsal venue, no more worrying about audience. No more. The curtain has closed. What is left is a few pictures to remember it by. Oh, and the new friends I've made during the process.

A million thanks to ES and RR for putting up with weeks of slacking at work. You gals are the best!

Monday, June 04, 2007


Today the show opens for special invitations and members of the press. I had trouble sleeping at night, much like a 5 year old resisting her afternoon nap before her birthday party, anxiety, excitement, fear and many undescribable emotions. It wasn't that I was concern of MY performance, or how I look, or how people would think of ME; but I worry that things will fall apart and the show couldn't hold itself together. But then look at the title of the show.


I love the performing arts world because of its ability to transport people to "a moment" of magic; for both the performers and the audience. I love it because it gives me such thrill, even if I was only looking from backstage or on the highs of the bio box. I need that "moment"; because for a brief second you feel like you're giving something to others. The moment of giving has everything to do with sincerity, about serving a greater purpose -- a story, an audience, something bigger than yourself. It is when you give yourself completely to be merely a tool that you lost yourself and gain something else. When you give that, you give love. And love overcomes fear.

Wish me luck all!