Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Small Town
But things are good in this place. There are lots of good food that are very different from Jakarta. We ate and ate and ate. Yesterday, my cousins and I roamed around town; eating something every 2 hours. I was soooo full. This morning I woke up to a fresh after the rain breeze. The air smelt different and refreshing.
I don't think I can live here forever, but to be able to take a step away from the bustle and bustle of the big city is kinda nice.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Bad Timing
I'm sure almost everyone had been in a position like that, too. How many times we were faced with something so good that it was almost impossible to resist? It makes me think about the importance of timing and chance in our lives. It is very easy to be lazy and wait around for things to happen to us because often no matter how hard we work, that opportunity never shows up. It is also very easy to give up because life is hard on us and no matter how hard we try we keep on missing that great moment.
It doesn't only happen in love and relationships. It often happens in business opportunities, university acceptance and things like that. I was once prohibited from taking a language aptitude test because I was seen as too young! A totally crushing experience, but later I realised that maybe it was better to take the test a few months later because I was more mature and less arrogant about my language skills. If I had taken it then, I would be boastful about not only my skills but also the fact that I'm the youngest person ever to take that test.
Everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that. There has got to be a damn good reason for the bad timing I constantly have with that certain someone. Maybe it's simply not meant to be. Maybe it's not right for that particular moment. Maybe, maybe, maybe. What is important is to appreciate every moment for what it is, to cherish the good things it presents, and to be grateful for the simple joy that moment brings. I was happy for that great connection. It is evidence that there are many people out there for me. But it's not the right time, not the right person, not the right place. It will sort itself out, in a different time, in a different place.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Smurphy's Going Away
Well, not really good byes.. It's more like, "See you later. Different time, different country."
Nancy, Bronwyn, Cynth, Smurphy, Nat.
On Going 2
Donald, Sean, Nat, Cynth, Nat, Kayin.
On Going
Back Online
See ya...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Salty Fried Squid
Natalie and Sarah swore by the deliciousness of the salty fried squid in this little vietnamese place in Richmond. It became the venue for our last official reunion supper. We ordered 2 dishes of the salty fried squid and we cleaned them up within minutes. It was YUMMY!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Call Cynth for hire.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Commercial Break
I'm being very very lazy. As someone else said to me, "You're on holiday."
This blog is taking a long commercial break.
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Idea of North
As we were sitting around the dinner table surfing around the net for a Friday night activity, we came across The Idea of North playing at The Basement in Sydney.
The Idea of North is an Australian acappela group, established in 1997. They were a bunch of ANU students having a good time and somehow got together to make a record under independent labels. On 2001, ABC Jazz picked them up and they haven't looked back since.
The performance I saw last night was one of a group that not only excel in vocal harmonies but also able to do great arrangements. Singing covers like Man in the Mirror, Mas Que Nada, Fragile, It's Alright with Me and originals such as Rachel and Singin Acappella, these talented singers dazzled the full house crowd.
The Idea of North is also very solid in audience communication. It is nice to see a mature group still having fun on stage and sharing that vibe with everyone. A one point, Nick the tenor sang a song about being rejected by an ugly woman -- that just rocked the house with laughter. For a moment, he really was that guy, and we believed him!
If ever they head out your way, try to see them. Not only that you will hear great musical talents, but also because you will definitely be entertained.
On Dulwich Hill
I crashed in my friend's little unit in the suburb of Dulwich Hill. John Howard supposedly grew up in the exact same street. It's a really neat, traditional Australian suburbia of houses with white picket fences - an attempt to replicate the American dream maybe?
There is a park just behind the house where children can play in the warm afternoon sun. A small deli/cafe named Sideways sits in the corner of the next block. Mothers with prams walk around the streets and make their regular visits to the cafe. Neighbours greet each other as they pass each other.
Dulwich Hill seems like a dream-like reality of perfection. A picture perfect Australian suburbia.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Espy_1
Thursday, October 27, 2005
The Forever Unfitting
I have that disease. And I may have contracted the forever unfitting disease. I'll constantly feel like floating between places, traddling for solid ground. It's a curse.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
In My Place
Which brings me to the question: How are you supposed to know where you're supposed to be?
Jakarta is not too bad of a place. Like any other city in the world, you can easily find good and bad things combined -- more bad than good maybe, but at the end of the day it's all a matter of attitude and choice. It is how you choose to view this place that you live in, and like anything that has got anything to do with love.. you choose who you love and accept it for what it is. But when something better presents itself to you, what do you do?
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sass & Bide Sale
Never before had I seen so many girls of different age, size, race, gathered in the one place. At one point, the queue to enter the warehouse sale was as long as the next block. It was insane! And if I thought that was insane, try being inside. It was an easy 500 girls if not more. There ware queues everywhere; to the changing room, to pay at the cashier. It was sheer madness.
I got home thinking about what is it about Sass & Bide, or great pair of jeans or a warehouse sale that drives everyone to be there. We have developed an image culture so strong that created the hype of what looks good and what does not look good. Finding the perfect pair of jeans is never an easy task, but the perfect pair of jeans does not have to be a certain international brand. It doesn't have to be $500 worth. It may not be Sass & Bide. But when all one reads in a magazine is how great these things are, maybe we secretly want to believe that if we have one of those, we'd look equally beautiful and irresistable. That we'd belong to the cult of cool fashionistas.
Girls, girls, girls,... Just get on a pair that will make your arse look good and I think irressistability is yours!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Many Nights Out

I arrived in Melbourne under the impression that everyone will be very busy with work and their daily activities that I'm going to have lots of free time on my own. Amazingly enough, it didn't turn out the way I planned. It's been nearly a week and I have been out every single night. Crazy. Fun. I thank my lovely friends for that.
On Saturday night I caught up with some friends from RMIT's student theatre company Performit. We met at the Prince of Wales in St.Kilda and then had dinner at a vegetarian restaurant called Soul Mama. Sould Mama is buzzing with people. It's a happening place with bistro type of service. You are charged by the size of your plate, medium allows you rice with 4 choice of dishes, large gives you rice with 5 choice of dishes. Not only that, you are given the option of eating it from the tin tray or the porcelain plate. Ultra cool. It was a night of good conversation and stories and relishing old friendships. 5 years have gone passed but the bond between us remains, and we just slide back to how things were. After dinner, some went away and the rest of us continued on to have drinks at the Espy.
Close to midnight, Kayin, Lily and I made my way to Abode - Melbourne's infamous club for an experience. Stories about my amazing night will be published in the first edition of MAXIM Indonesia. I promise not to ruin it for you, or for the magazine for that matter...
What follows on the nights after that, were simply many nights out with friends. It is strange to feel as if I'm living here again. Or that somehow, there are many of us who are in the same cross roads after much traveling and working in the last 5 years. We have matured. But remained the good friends as we were.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Home Sweet Home
As the car that brought me to my old apartment passed through familiar streets, I was amazed of how much things stayed the same. I recognised the same cafes I used to hang out with. On how the bar that I had my going away party expanded to take over the shop next to it. On how nothing in the apartment really changed other than the additional stuff filling up the place. It is very nice to see that instead of things changing, it was more of things adding up, expanding, creating new spaces and new experiences without losing the old one.
It is exactly why I felt nothing. It feels like coming home. And home is never a big thing. It is something you hold dear in your heart and no matter how long you've been away from it, you'll slide back in to it as if you never left.
Home Sweet Home.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Dreadful future
A friend told me today that life is always full of opportunities and I must not be scared of making a mistake. Life is too short to let fear rules over it and hey,... we all learn from our mistakes. Eventually to be a better person. It is with this new thinking that I'm embracing the unknown future and taking a step into one road. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
What the hell in a few days I'll be in a different country. Can you tell that I'm excited?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I have to move on.
Friday, October 07, 2005
I beg your Prada?
This has also resulted in the rise of material girls. As a concept, it is older than the brands mentioned above, but in practise it is taking the world like a storm. Especially in a country like Indonesia, where the gap between the rich and the poor is so wide that it is almost impossible to cross. Girls are turning into predators. In the quest of finding ways to live happily ever after, sufficient material goods becomes priority number one. It is a ticket which will open new doors: to plastic surgery to fix one's lack of beauty, to branded boutiques for more Gucci and LVs, to top therapist if one has relationship problems.
Maybe the old saying is true. If you can't beat them, join them...
Excuse me, "I beg your Prada?"
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Unemployed Day 4
Despite all that, I am still excited. I am more than happy.
Unemployed Day 4.
7 Days before Melbourne.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Last Friday, I left Square Box after 4 wonderful years, for good. The time has come for me to move on to something else. Into something that I am yet to find. Many people think I'm crazy, but after two days of officially being unemployed I gotta tell you.... I am having the most wonderful time. And somehow, I know that I am doing the right thing.
This break has allowed me to begin exploring other things, pursuing other passions, and trying different things. I am blessed with many talents (Ha! That's what I'd like to think and please, please bear with me now...) and I should explore them. Some of them are actually hidden, and who knows... it might well be what I'm really really good at.
Money worries me... but then again, next week I'm flying to Australia for a bit of a break. Money? Yeah, I'll worry about it when I've totally run out.
On telly, all the Indonesian soap operas, the so-called 'sinetron' are filled with titles that presents some kind of holiness affiliated. Instead of girls walking around in tank tops and tight jeans, you see more girls wearing head scarves looking demure. Cafes and restaurants put up curtains on their glass windows, so those who are fasting can not be tempted.
The holy month Ramadhan is about holding back. It is about giving into bodily suffering to focus and concentrate on one's faith. Lucky me, I don't have to fast and you know what's the best thing about the first day of the fasting month that deserves a post in this blog??
Jakarta's traffic eased up. I was driving around everywhere and I got to places in no time. Man! More people should be fasting!!
Monday, October 03, 2005
A Wounded Nation
Last Friday, the Indonesian government had no choice but to raise fuel prices. The world oil situation is being felt here as well, and as part of maintaining the economic stability, the people must (again) contribute. The higher price of fuel for most people will resulted in subsidy paid to the poorest of the nation. Pseudo fuel scarcity, mass demonstration, general dissatisfaction were just beginning to emerge when Saturday bombing happened.
Bali was hit by suicide bombers with unknown motives. Scarry. Sad. I had visited those cafes in my visits to Bali. It's hard to believe that sombody could have the heart to do such a thing!! Damn those bombers!!
It is time to join the resistance!! In all situations, we must never give up hope and continue with our lives. Some adjustments might be needed, but life must go on. We must continue to go to Bali. It is the only way to prove that this nation will not yield to fear. It is with hope that we continue living. It is with love that we can heal.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
But if that's a problem.. hell, I don't really give a shit. I'd rather have you read and be anonymous.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
About Love
In August, a girl friend that hardly calls rang out of the blue.
A: Hey, did you hear about K?
C: What about her?
A: She’s getting divorced
C: Oh, really? No, I didn’t know. Where did you hear this?
A: She told me.
C: Oh, then it must be true.
Last Saturday, a guy friend rang. We were meeting up later that evening because there was a friend in need. The whole crew was going to be there and I had to be there, too. D had a fall out with her boy friend. They were together for 11 years. “Huh? But we just hang out with them a few weeks ago??”
It seems like it’s a season to fall out of love. Like there is a season to get married, a rainy season, a mango season, a pencil skirt season?? Jakarta is slowly resembling other big cities all over the world, where keeping a relationship is apparently harder than finding the person to have it with. Why is it so hard?
Things like infidelity, principal differences, family complications came into mind. But surely you would know about these things before one decides on moving towards tying the knot?
K: Yeah, but I was blinded by love.
Actually, the signs are always there. Often we choose to ignore them because we want to believe in it so much; because we don’t want to be the ones who end up alone; because we don’t have the heart to be honest to ourselves. When it comes to love and relationship, nothing is ever easy and nothing is ever what they seem. At the end of the day, everything is about choice. To choose means taking a risk, committing to it, working on it, and not easily giving up.
Love IS blind…
But it is also patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres… And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (NIV I Cor 13:4-7;13)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
On Loving Someone Part.2
How do you make sense of a feeling that fills every stream of your blood, rushing past the bones, creating shivers and irregular heartbeats?
What do you say to the people who watched the smile on your face whenever you think of love? Every time you speak in the name of love? When words on the screen suddenly have sounds? And typed in laughter becomes music to your ears?
Friday, September 23, 2005
Most of the times we had to battle the pouring rain in the horrible traffic. It's just the way it is, no matter which part of the world you live in. People drive slowly, carelessly, impatiently, which in turn creates a longer, more unpleasant journey. Lucky for me, the rain on the last two days did not last very long. My drive home was not easy but it was painless enough.
What more can I ask?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Don’t make me wait for Godot
Years go by with nothing
Live it before it passes you by
The heart lingers
On the thoughts of maybe
Of what ifs and what could be
Clutching to the slightest of hope
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Cheap Culture
I nearly got a shock when I got to the entrance. The entry fee is Rp 750. At the moment, 1 USD = Rp 10200. Yeah, go figure. This entry fee actually allows me to go through everything in the museum, and not just the exhibition. Isn't that crazy? It is sad to know that a Museum that holds important historical and cultural artefacts can charge so low. It is as if the fact that they keep remains of the past makes it stuck in the past, too. On the one hand, a museum entrance fee should not be steep so that everyone can spend some time in the museum and learn about the days of the previous generation but it should at least charge enough to ensure maintenance of the place itself!!
The exhibition was quite interesting. Nancy Lee is worth checking out for. Within an hour, I walked out and bought myself a Woody ice cream lolly that costs Rp 1500, went to my car and drove off. Parking costs me Rp 2000. The total cost of this Sunday cultural experience Rp 4250 -- about 50 US cents. How hard is it to believe?
Monday, September 12, 2005
In Memoriam Dede
I can't say we're super close friends. We met through work and we got along. We hardly see each other outside work but the most amazing thing is that was enough.
When you're sincere in all you do, the love radiates all around. It doesn't take very much to leave love behind.
Rest In Peace Dede...
We love you...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
The last stop for the day is a cozy resto-cafe called TEKO. Located on Jl. Neglasari No.4 -- It is a house that has been converted to take guests for long hours into the night. Open air patios and eclectic furnitures created a homey feeling.
And oh, they serve great coffees and teas. And yummy poffertjes and fries and sausages. It was with a contented feeling that we left TEKO, ready to tackle the remaning 2 hours drive back to Jakarta. But of course, Hani being the distracted driver that she is, saw a cafe with film/books sign at the front and decided to make a stop. The book/film cafe turned out to be a student type of library where one can borrow books and DVDs and just average. The finale for the night was a little shop about 3m x 2m in size with a bit of jewelry, bags, shirts, sunnies, etc. That little shop saw us parting with the last scraps of money that we had. Evil. Evil. Evil. I don't even remember the name of that shop!
It was 2230 when we got back to the highway. This time I was driving and Ruby was sitting next to me. Her sole assignment for the night was to make sure I don't fall asleep behind the wheel, whilst Lia and Hani got into sleeping position and went to slumberland in no time. Many trucks later and a really sore right foot after, we got in to Jakarta. Safely. What a night!
Batagor Kingsley
Batagor Kingsley
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
More shopping aside, lunch time had finally arrived. The hustle and bustle of Batagor Kingsley was not like anything I imagined. The place was so full of people that the four of us must split up and wait for different tables. Yeah, to ensure a place whenever somebody finishes.
Our wait would have been longer if Hani didn't go down to the counter and pester them for our order. Heck, she even carried 5 teh botols herself. Viva Sudarmini!
Yoghurt Cisangkuy
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
Three factory outlets after and a few shopping bags later, we were ready for something else. We arrived to Yoghurt Cisangkuy to get a taste of the infamous refreshing drink. Hani made a point of taking us only to places that are full and therefore serve the best. The specialty of the house is the strawberry yooghurt juice. That was we decided upon, plus a grape one for me. Just to be different... And a slice of brownies kukus. The brownies is actually more of like a sponge brownies than a real one, because it's soo... spongey??! All of that for 30,000 rups. Yumm...
Eating in Bandung
Mie Naripan
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
As the long weekend approached, we wondered on travel possibilities. But as usual our last minuteness left us with not much option. We decided that a culinary travel to Bandung would enlightened our stomach horizons and expand our taste buds. We were fully aware that Bandung on that day is going to be a traffic nightmare.
The call time was set at 5 am. It felt like a shoot day. We were slightly sleepy but excited. There were 4 of us in the car: Hani, Ruby, Lia and myself. Each of us gave 200,000 to Lia -- she's the acting cashier. That pool money will take care of us the whole trip. Food and pterol. I drove all the way to Bandung, using the new highway that cut travel time down to just 2 hours. The view on that highway is very beautiful too, which made it a very pleasing ride, but our stomachs were making noises and we needed to shut them up fast.
I swapped with Hani once we got to Bandung, since she's going to be our guide/driver for the day. We drove around to get this porridge place, we drove around to 2 places but naa... no porridge for us that day. Both places were no longer there!! So, we settled for Mie Naripan instead.
This infamous noodle place was packed by families, having noodles and fried meat balls for breakfast, and possibly lunch. It's hard to imagine why such a 'simple' place could attract such crowd. When the noodles came, so did the answer of my question. They're to die for!! And you know what? When the bill arrived, there was a price to pay. Four bowl of noodles and six pieces of fried meat balls worth 98,000 rups. Nobody complained. It was our first in our long day's adventure and nothing beats the feeling of a full stomach.
Monday, August 29, 2005
17 August
17 August
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
17 August is Indonesia's Independence Day. The day is celebrated widely across the nation with many activities that encourage team spirit and togetherness. Most interestingly are the numerous races and competition done in the smallest government municipality. The smallest organ is called RT which comprises of a few houses in the same area, and the slightly bigger one is called RW which comprises of a few RT.
17 August Competition unfortunately, is slowly diminishing due to urban developments. Togetherness amongst neighbours is becoming a rarity; people know less and less of each other on the same street. However, some who is not willing to give it up keeps on trying to build the spirit. Our nation's independece came from a collective spirit that shines through the fight and finally lights up the freedom path.
It is the same spirit one must continue to foster through tiny events like cracker's eating competition, volleyball, soccer, cooking competition , even if it is only done once a year to celebrate Indonesia's Independence.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
On loving someone
Extract from "Shantaram"
Gregory David Roberts
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Rough Guide to Being a Professional Bum
The extract below is exactly what he wrote on his email to me a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!! And those who are interested to add to his tips, please do...
When u start getting really excited about meeting up with friends at their workplace for lunch (although u just saw them the previous night or had lunch with them the previous day) that’s when u know ur a professional bum. U can go and have a series of coffees with numerous ppl around the city area one after the other just to kill the boredom and time. (uh do this only once cus it is quite sad!) :)
But I think the true test is finding that the endless TO DO list that u promised urself u will complete when u finished work and have time for yourself is still the same length after 3 months.
Hope the above “Rough Guide to Being a Professional Bum” helps. :)
Monday, August 08, 2005
Laughing Matter
Not that I care of what that person think of me now, but still it becomes pretty darn embarrasing! Imagine feeling like putting your foot in the mouth on purpose... Hehehe... I'll just have to laugh about it often enough, hoping that I won't feel as silly after.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
One day older
Saturday, July 30, 2005
New Old Friend
Leaving on a Jetplane
I'm ready to go..
Finally, a big leap is taken. A decision has been made and known. I will be going out into the real wild world again, without the safety net of job security and consistent income. In the next few months, I'll be joining ranks with Bum Troops International. It will be on the lowest position available since I have no experience in this department, but I'm VERY VERY EXCITED.
Some call me crazy -- to leave the stability of life and financial security that I have. Hell, I only live once!! If I want to go crazy and want doors to open, I have to start knocking. I can't wait for the doors to come and have people looking for me!!
In the next few months, no more busy Cynth. My new nick name will be bum Cynth.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Outside Jakarta 3
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
This sign is next to a line of washing. Nothing like preemptive warning!
Outside Jakarta 1
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
Just one hour outside Jakarta, the lives of people can be so different than what we know. As we searched through tiny streets of Bogor for scenic locations, we came across little things that put a smile to my face.
I hope you can find the beauty in them just like I do.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Home Early
It was one of the best nights I have had in the last couple of weeks.
Friday, July 22, 2005
House Hunting
Again, one year later... sometime like now... the house that I'm living in is going to be rebuilt.
Again, I have to move.
I found a pavillion but there is too much work to be done. I want an apartment but it is not financially sound for me to start renting, unless I'm thinking of buying. Too much trouble. Too much money.
Oh well, I should just quit my job and move to another country. Oopss, I forgot! That means moving. AGAIN!!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Save The Energy
However, the Indonesian President is announcing a nation wide effort to conserve energy. Not all street lights in Jakarta's main roads are being turned on. The Hotel Indonesia fountain is being switched off at 6 pm instead of 10 pm. Jakarta is no longer bathed in light 24 hours. TV stations have to limit their air time (unless they're showing live football matches from Europe in which you can still go to air). Government offices increase their air con temperature to 25 degrees. All in the name of energy conservation.
Honestly, I don't believe this whole energy conservation thing is going very far.. I'm an apathyst when it comes to government and this country. However, I found myself turning off lights when I don't use them. I only turn on my air conditioning at home when I'm about to sleep. Whenever I leave my room in the office for more than an hour, I'd turn the air-con off. So maybe, there is still hope for this country. Hopefully, energy conservation becomes second nature to ordinary Indonesians. And we can hope for a better environment for years and years to come.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Street food
Street food
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
There are many nooks and crooks about a city that drives it to infamous stardom. Almost every city in the world would have some kind of night stle bazaar of food and otehr market place. Jakarta is no different. Street food here thrives on the people's habit of getting midnight snack or supper. The darkness of the evening gives birth to the tents and benches, over drains and outside office buildings. The smell of fragrant food often merges with the stench of underlying sewer, but people still come. It's all part of the experience.
Last night I had chicken porridge with corned beef and chicken satay. My two friends had padang satay; made of beef parts with a special curry-like sauce. After a day of hard work, these little things felt heavenly. All of these food with the cost of
A$10 for 3 people.
That's the beauty of food in a third world country. If your stomach has the strength for it...
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
At 62 years of age, Eka Darmaputera had to give in to his failing kidney and liver and moved on to a better place. Death approached slowly; creeping in like a silent thief but embraced with whole heartedness and total surrender. He was on his death bed, feeling every pain but his mouth muttered a low ,"I love you" when I said goodbye.
That is faith. That is courage.
Eka lived to work become a blessing for others, in every way possible . What touched me the most was the numerous evidence of the lives he touched whilst living. He made it all worth while.
I sit here and think to myself. Have I become a blessing? What kind of meaning do I have in my life?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Batman Rocks
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Aussie Overload
My friend is a Melbourne boy, and his friend is a Sydney boy. We were hanging out at this superb lounge/resto called Circa on the 48th Floor. The view was amazing, and the place was beautiful. We had really nice conversations, and soon enough we were joined in by Simone, another Melbourne girl and then Jamie and Natalie. All of a sudden, the Aussie twang was just all over the place only to be worsened by Jamie mimicking every accent on the face of this earth. It was an excellent night. It was a night where strangers meet and differences crumble. It's really easy to find a common ground and make new friendships.
Our common ground is the silly Aussie accent you can picked from miles away. If only people who were fighting against each other try to find similarities instead of looking at differences, maybe there'll be no wars. Peace would come more easily.
I didn't get home until about 4.30 am, only to be back work at 9.30 am earlier today. It was a really really nice night. I had the best of time. I think we all did. I functioned better. My mood improved. That's what good beer and good company did to you.
Friday, June 24, 2005
$2 Coffee & Muffin
When my breakfast arrived as I was reading my morning paper over Coldplay's X&Y, suddenly I got this image of a similar event that used to take place regularly on my student days. At least once a week, Natalie, Nancy, Bronwyn and I would go down to this coffee shop on Melbourne Central station where they have a coffee and muffin offer for $2. It became a ritual of bonding between the girls. Nat would update us on the morning paper issues, Bron would have the funny stories and Nancy would tell her bizarre beauty experiences. The music from Fox FM or TT FM would be blasting in the bakground. We had such a good time.
That was 5 years ago. It's probably an idea to try and schedule a morning coffee & muffin session in a not so distant future.
How much would we have to pay now? Hmm...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Early morning ramblings
The best thing about being home early (...sad isn't it? 9pm? Early??) was finishing a novel called "The Family Way" by Tony Parsons. He looked at a family life of the three sisters. He spoke about the often false notion of a family - a picture beautifully painted to involve a mother, a father, and the children. As if if one doesn't exist, the family is no more. I won't ruin the novel, in case anyone is interested in reading it, but at the end of the day, family is what you make out of it. Family is about this small unit (..or big unit) of people you love unconditionally, because they will be there for you no matter what, and always have your best intention at heart. Having the family doesn't mean you will never disagree, never make mistakes, but no matter what you do, the bond remains.
And oh, I'm about to start on reading Shantaram. I think it'd be good.
And oh, did I tell you I feel like quitting my job? And leave the country? And go away to Bali just for a few days to read my good books? And oh, wishful thinking...
Bloody full moon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Just one night
where worry and fear blended in
mixing joy and laughter
carelessly living in a nano second
What I need is a doona of security
one night of ignorance
a plight into the blissful night
Just one night
I want what I need..
I Miss You
I looked around for things to hold on to, but the beatings of my lonely heart were impossible to control. It was a roller coaster ride in the span of a split second. I looked around for avenue of forgetting, through various substance and numerous acts. It went to the back room but came back lurking in the corner. There was no escaping.
Swim across the ocean. Travels through time. To be near. To be with. You.
Friday, June 17, 2005
To hell with everything!!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Mojo Drag
Mojo Drag
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
I saw a drag show on my gay bars venture last weekend in Singapore. You think Singaporeans are uptight? Think again...
Leroy and his team will be performing weekly in club Mojo, 5 Magazine Rd every Sunday night.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
It is common knowledge that Lucky plaza is where most Phillippino maids hang out. Sunday is their day off. Lucky Plaza on Sunday?? Pinoy Plaza. I don't mean it in a mean way but it was simply amazing that you can probably do a population survey on the numbers of Pinoy in Singapore just by hangin around Lucky Plaza on a few Sundays. Amazing. And not only that, even on phone stores, Sunday is a Pinoy Day; you get bigger discounts calling to the Philippines. Or so they want you to believe. It's cheaper to call everywhere in the world on a Sunday. Ha!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Weekend in Singapore
Friday, June 10, 2005
I can only wish that the super chilly air con in the Jakarta airport does not make things worse for me. I am looking forward to Singapore this time. My working schedule seems to be reasonably humane and the great Singapore Sale is on. Yeah, what do you expect? I'm still a girl after all - succumbing to the great foe of consumerism and consumption goods. Whoopie!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
A moment
Last weekend was spent partying till the sun warmed the blue sky. Alcohol and drugs. Most sinful things in life are good. I floated through days via random consciousness, between moments of visions and clarity. Life is good. Another soul appeared only to leave withiin days. A night of endless words. A meeting of searching souls. The heart satisfied, the body longed for more.
What is it I'm looking for?
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Measuring the quality of your life
How many of us actually think about how we will be remembered after we leave this world? How many of us actually think about the kind of legacy we leave our children? How many of us living life believing that there is a purpose in our existence? Fewer than you think. We go through life simply passing each stage hoping that the next one is easier, less painful. As egotistical creatures, we think of ourselves above everything else. No fame, nor fortune can really tell of the kind of life we live. The only true measure is after we die.
When RP passed away a couple of days ago, it went into front page of Jakarta's biggest broadsheet newspaper. He was a prominent person; instrumental in the development of a nation. But surely, the man must have done many things right when people actually lined up for hours to give their condolences to the family. I admired him. He was a man with vision, and faith and love. He helped me become the person that I am today through my education.
Everything in his life was a labour of love. With it, he touched many lives.. And he will live in many memories and continued to be remembered because of what he had done whilst living.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Facing adversity
As a nation, there is a culture of surrender and faith to a higher power and I think it's what makes this nation strong. Today is very much like that, too. One day away before a shoot and we were faced with uncertainty and so little time. There was finger pointing, resentment but at the end of the day, it's just about getting through another day. There'll be another shoot, another job, with another client. I tried to surrender and smile.. and then it got a little easier, one by one, one thing at a time.
I look absolutely shit. My dark circles around the eyes are beyond help of make up and I have to be up again in 4 hours. No, not just up. Up and functioning. Sigh. Red Bull and lots of Vitamin C I need.
May the Force be with me.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Staying sane
That's how I deal with my stress. Ignore what needed to be ignored.
Friday, May 27, 2005
But when I got home, and I played music and had a long hot shower everything began to have a different outlook. When I'm fresh I feel like I can take on anything. And reading poetry helps, too! I opened my copy of Federico Garcia Lorca and tried to read bilingually, even if I don't understand Spanish. I could pronounce it and by reading the English translation, the emotion came through. Amazing what great pieces of art can do to you as a person.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to art. It is unquantifiable by reason. What it does is evoke emotions and that is subjective to your own person.
Thank God for music. Thank God for poetry.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Please don't take me literally. I'm not looking to get laid...
I'm just crazy bored, waiting to go home. It's been a long day.
A chance in life
It brought up some adoption related issues to the surface. When you gave your baby for adoption, do you have the right to meddle into the child's life in the future? Even if only in the form of establishing contact? What rights do birth parents have after they give up the child?
Tony Abbott and his then girlfriend thought that they gave up a child. For 27 years, he wondered about his long lost son. He believed that he should not try to find him, unless the son wanted to find his birth parents. I think he's on the money...
Being a biological parent doesn't entitle you to claim ownership at a child's life. Especially once you've made the decision to give your baby up for adoption. I think what being a biological parent gives you, is a chance to take part in the wonderfully challenging and complicated world of parenthood. And like everything in life, you don't always have a second chance.
You take it and pray that you don't screw up.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Sick as a dog
But hey, today my new JBL on tour speaker arrives from Singapore. Yay! It's a beautiful mini portable speaker. Sigh. I love technology.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Random Conversation
E : When you reach enlightement, you face a problem with intellect. You see them fresh..
R : I think you should be a Buddhist. Because they never fight with each other, they promote kindness to everyone
C1: After you reach enlightement? Then what...
R : Drinking water is sexual pleasure.
C1: What?
R : Yeah, sexual as in pleasure for the senses not sexual the fornication kind
T : I didn't use to, but I began to like Kirsten Dunst
E : No one is on the same league with Sean Connery in ageing. No one beats the Lauren Bacall, Monica Belucci..
They're random and even when you're there they still hard to follow. These conversations required serious intellect and it was very nice to see so many of them on display. You just have to be there..
I'll never drink water the same way again.. :)
Friday, April 29, 2005
C: Why?
A: It sucks you up and make you dumb. It leaves no room for anything else
C: Yeah, how I wish there are more than 24 hours in the day
A: Yes, then we'll have more time..
C: To watch movies, to read, to listen to music...
A: When we don't do that, we stopped learning and that becomes very dangerous..
C: You lose yourself in what you do. Forgetting why you do things in the first place...
That is probably why I chose to stay up for another 3-4 hours after finishing that bit of conversation around 11 pm. I read a bit, talked with my house mate a bit more. Struggling to hang on to what is left of the day and stealing the new hours of tomorrow.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Friends 1
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
Remember how I told you that I was happy for so many things? Friendship is also the greatest thing to celebrate. It runs past age, colours, nationalities, religions. True friendship offers unconditional love, accepting each other as they are and simply being there for each other.
4 nights ago some people in this photo left Jakarta to go back to their country. None of us know when we're going to see each other again.
No tears are shed. There was no need for it. true friends live forever in your heart.
Friends 2
We go through many things growing up. Some went through period of drug abuse, relationship abuse, some were lucky to find the partner of their dreams and sailed through today. When a bunch of us sat together and talked about the old times, it was the same old conversation. The only difference was we were without uniforms.
2 nights ago, we met up again for drinks. That was one of the best night out I had ever...
My friends are so cool...
Thursday, April 21, 2005
1. I am happy that I can feel grateful about many things in life
2. I am happy for a good conversation I had 2 nights ago with a friend
3. I am happy that I could watch "The Motorcycle Diaries" and that got me excited about traveling through South America
4. I am happy that an old friend is coming to work in Jakarta
5. I am happy that work is giving me more opportunities to take another step up
6. I am happy that work is appreciating my hard work in a very 'tangible' form.. Hmm! Yay!
7. I am happy that a skirt that I bought a month ago is feeling a bit loose :P
8. I am happy that I have started a work out regime - that I'm hoping to keep
9. I am happy for good music I get to see every now and then
10. I am happy that I am going to see a friend who survived 3rd degree burn accident on Sunday
11. I am happy that today is a public holiday!!! No Work!!
How about you??
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
My Oma
My Oma
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
Last Sunday my grandmother turned 90. Yes, she pulled herself through Indonesia's war of independence (where we heard stories of her carrying my baby father across the river for a safe refuge in a nearby town), the communist laden times of 1960's where food was scarce and paranoia was everywhere, lost a husband to scumbag back stabbing relative, lost 2 sons to the war, but still manages to raised 4 kids to create a God fearing family. She lives through to see 3 generations of her family blossomed; her children give her grand children, and her grand children give her great grand children. Well, one cousin did.
Last Sunday, her family, friends and distant relatives gathered to celebrate 9 decades of her life. One of her nephew said that he'd always remembered my grandma as being fierce, super disciplined and strict. She would not hesitate to whack you when you didn't do what you're told.
She told me that there was only one thing that crossed her mind that day. Gratitude. 90 years is not a short period of time and even if she is not famous, nor rich in material wealth, she is abundant in love.
It is about making the choices in one's life and continue to live life as if there's no tomorrow. Life is full of ups and downs and that is why it is so great. We are given numerous chances to shape and mould our characters to whatever we wanted to be. Not knowing if we would get second chances on things. Life is a gamble for happiness. It is your choice if you want to live in happiness or strife for something else...
In living the 90 years of her life, I think my Oma has made hers. Her life is for her family, and her God. She tries to live her life to her Creator's wish and continue to surrender.
Wow!! Happy Birthday Oma...
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Monday, April 11, 2005
Getting Away
I can’t remember the last time I went away on a holiday and this morning in the airport, I felt really excited. I was actually going to go somewhere and do nothing. NOTHING. How cool is that?? My mum laughed at me all the way. I was acting like a 5 year old. Going gaga over the smallest thing.
The reception area of Losari is an original Colonial train station, complete with little ticket booths on the side. Amazing. The whole site is build according to the land contour of Central Java highlands that resulted in hilly villas surrounded by 18 hectares of coffee plants. The surrounding is lush green. Little walk paths are guarded by old style Javanese lantern waist high. As you walk through the greens of Losari, you can feel that you’re in for a special treat.
It is indeed.
The afternoon was spent eating organic lunch from Losari’s own garden and hangin’ out on the Club House – a fantastic old style Colonial building that used to house the plantation’s Dutch Meneer. The building has a few different rooms with comfy sofas, a grand piano, a library, rocking chairs and great view from the terrace. We were hoping to catch the sunset but the weather was in the way. I found myself fall asleep on those great Javanese day bed while my mother busy flipping pages of an architecture book.
The day grows slower in this place. The clocks run at 100 fps and you are forced to take a step back and breathe, and appreciate God’s great gift to mankind. Nature. And lose your breath again on the wonders of human creation through attentive details on the building’s architecture and resort’s landscape.
It’s 7 pm and I just had a bath on a bath tub that is big enough for 2 or 3 people. Sigh. If only I had a different company. (*Naughty thoughts*). Tomorrow we’re going to take the coffee plantation tour and afterwards we’re being invited to the owner’s birthday party. That should be fun.
More stories to follow.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Love and Music
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
On my last trip to KL I was reminded of my first love all over again. Music. I spent one whole night ripping CDs and chilling and listening to them. I extended my stay just to see and hear one of the world's favourite DJs playing at Zouk. (Photos of me and me mates: L-R Marcel, Cheryl, me and Terry).
Music is one of the many beautiful things in life. I listen to almost every genre; even if my first preference would be jazz - I listen to everything from jazz, rock, pop, r&b, soul, blues, to dance music.
When it comes to first love and love in general, most of us would reminisce on the good memories, stupid stuff that we did in the name of love. We'd learn to play guitar to impress a guy. We'd try to come up with poetry to woo a girl. When my 30-odd something friend decided to pick up DJ-ing because she loved dancing and music so much, no one took her seriously. But her love for them was her sole driving force - Many months later on her first debut as a DJ, she impressed not only her friends but also a general audience.
When you do things with love, it breathes the stuff that you do, conveys the passion that you put in and makes it all worthwhile. It may not be the best, but when you spread love, be sure that you will get love in return.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Body and Soul
The mind is strong and holding its fort like a rock on an ocean bed. Some say the mind is the most powerful tool in our lives. Only now I understand the feeling of the body when it defies the mind. It digs deep for the rock to go afloat. Like a sonstant current slowly runs you down until you become nothing.
Deep down they speak in coherence. They sang in unison of the purest wish of the heart, body and soul.
I am missing you.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Natural Disaster
My building is shaking. What's the damage on your end?
We are only recovering from the Dec 26 event, only to be tried again with another natural disaster. The current death toll stands at about 2000 people, but I'm sure the number will increase. Cherish the moments and live life knowing that anytime anything could happen. I want to be able to say that I have no regrets. How about you?
So far, I have none.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Tell me quando, quando, quando
We can share a love divine
Please don't make me wait again..
-Quando, quando, quando
by Michael Buble
Recently I spent a week in Kuala Lumpur for business. I have many friends in KL, but there are 2 in particular that I was dying to see. One guy is a buddy of mine from Melbourne who's relocating himself to KL in search for better work and to be with his girlfriend. He seemed overworked but nonetheless happy and content. The other one is a local art director who was one of my first friends in the industry. He just ended a 2 year relationship with a girl.
I have nothing against my friends being in a relationship. I have even managed to understand that when they're supposedly 'serious' they tend to forget about their friends. But as I rejoice the lifelong relationship of my Melbourne mate, I cheered even more for the break up of my art director friend. I love him to death and I want him to be happy. I know he is happier now; back to his silly fucker-self and I just love it!! There's nothing better than a good friendship, and now I feel like for a brief moment I own them back. Until the next girl comes along...
With him and another friend, we hung out and just talked about anything and nothing. Cars, girls, guys, sex, and music, only to name a few. We spent sleepless nights smoking, listening to music, ripping CDs, stealing songs from each other's iPod. It felt like things were exactly the same as they were when we started hanging out 4 years ago. When we were just us.
When you can just be with each other; accept him/her for the person that he/she is,... that's when you know that you've got a friend. Nothing beats that.
I salute my dear friends, near or far...
You are always in my heart...
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Rushing The Dead
Jakarta streets are always busy. A hold up even for something like that can caused a jam miles away, especially when it is on a big intersection. That was exactly what happened. The funeral procession blocked the streets and caused a serious jam. The entourage can not be broken up by traffic lights. The motorcycles placed in strategic positions ensured that.
I wonder why...
When you're dead, nobody waits for you anymore. You don't have to make your appointments with God right on the dot. As your time in this earth ended, you simply stop being important. I mean this with no disrespect, but seriously I think other living human beings should have a higher priority. When one is dead, he/she should not cause more discomfort to others. After all, what are you rushing for?
What do you think??
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
It is largely because of this that I have been putting off watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, regardless of the raving reviews from the public. The night I did, I was totally blown away...
A relationship does not come easy. Never is. Never will be. It is a lifelong process; hence, commitment is imperative for any relationship to work. We often take things for granted; our health, our partner, our job, our family. When we are hurt, we selfishly just want to get rid of the pain, all the way to the core. Forgetting that by erasing the core of the pain means getting rid of those, who at different times bring us love.
ESTSM speaks to me because it reminds me on how deep and how intricate love is; how fragile and how much grooming it needs. When you really love, it is beyond comprehension. That's why when you do, you just do. No explanation is needed. No science required. You simply do, and let love live.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The Godfather of Soul
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
"It's James Brown man! I have to see him before he dies..."
The 72 year old man who's more than famous to people of all ages, in all parts of the world, performed twice in the wonderful Java Jazz Festival in Jakarta last weekend.
He has his own MC, 3 back up singers, 2 dancers, and a 6-piece band. His venue is the largest in the whole festival and rightly so. The show opened with the whole shebangs and he came out wearing a glitzy green tux which screams BLING! BLING! You can't miss the man, even if you're far away from the stage.
Although it was an experience watching a legend like James Brown performing, the show itself wasn't fantastic. The man constantly wanting to do 'his thing', but hearing a 72 year old man singing Sex Machine and I Feel Good just didn't evoke me. He sang very little, hardly moved, and let his back up singers, dancers and fantastic musicians run the show for him. I think almost every song has got some sort of music solo in it.. After a while, you just go, "Oh, please... not again."
But I persisted. Because I was there for I Feel Good. I was there to see the Sex Machine, Living it in America!
I kept on thinking that he should retire, live according to his age, and just chill. That's what I called dignity. I thought I saw James Brown, but I didn't. I saw someone who tries too hard to live up to himself.
All that aside, I could say that I have seen The Godfather of Soul. And said it with pride, even if I didn't enjoy him that much. And I Feel Good.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
No money laaa.. Friend. friend. Good Friend. Discount...
Oh, I bought a fake wallet simply for a fact that the girl who sold it to me chase me half the block of the market. That's for perseverence and persistence. 10 Points for that.
Winter Trees
Chinatown of China
After a few hours of sleep, we roamed the streets of old Shanghai. The city is still half asleep from Chinese New Year Holiday, but being the world's most populated country one could hardly tell the difference. We visited the Yu'an Gardens and walked the streets of Old China. The Shanghai Chinatown. How more authentic do you want to be, Chinatown in China?? The buildings reminded me of kungfu movies. I had images in my head of flying sword fighting from one roof to another, and a smile just appeared.
Here's to figments of my childhood. Kungfu movies in Chinatown of China.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Up Up and Away
In roughly 18 hours, I will find myself landing in a strange land that is the world's most populated country. CHINA. Work brings me into Shanghai, the Paris of the East.
Welcome to Chinese winterland.
Next time you hear from me, it will from a distant land. Watch out for more tales.
Friday, February 11, 2005
At the end of the tunnel
Waking up on that Sunday morning was exceptionally hard, but when everything was done the feeling of satisfaction made it all worthwhile. My boss used to say that the boat will come ashore, eventually. It did. Without fail.
Life is much like this picture. No matter how hard, how trapped one feels, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. With a little bit of hope and perseverence, the dream is yours.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Work again
My neck is sore and my back is ready to break any second.
It's going to take a lot more to break my spirit though. We shoot tomorrow and we have to shoot tomorrow. In 2 days time everything will be over. And then there are 2 public holidays.
I need a massage.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
It's just a job.
I was reminded by a wise man that beneath all this, I actually love it. The sadomasochist that I am, I do. I love this job. I just hate what it's doing to my time, my health and my sanity. This job has its perks though. In order to finish this job, I'm going to Shanghai for a few days. All expenses paid. It'll be my first serious winter anywhere. 0 degrees. Frozen winter. Icy cold. Yipeee!!
D-2 before shoot days. How I wish it'll be over soon.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Butt kicking 'n Arse-whopping
Yesterday was the first day in the year 2005 where I have to launch a full fledge pre-production for a job. The job is exciting, but on that very first day I felt like I was farting against thunder. My team comprises of half a dozen freelancers with a will of their own, and little sense of team playing. Every time I looked for a person, I had to spend 10 minutes trying to find them. A lot of time was wasted in bitching, scolding, and other unecessary emotional outburst. When the day ended at 9 pm, I was exhausted...with very little done...
Why is it that I have to kick people's butt to get something moving? Why do I have to be a bitch that swing whips around to get things done? I don't like it. Unfortunately, that's what it takes. I'm the job official bitch. Definitely not going to win a popularity contest around here.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
On the upside of it all, it is the universal 'Indonesian Family' solidarity that raised help and care immediately for the Tsunami victims. As everyone is related to everyone, the catastrophe is seen to be affecting everyone in the country. Many parents open their homes for the orphaned children. Many strangers helped names without faces through donations, a box of instant noddle, blankets and medicine.
That's my family. There are times I hated my family for being judgemental and nosy, but deep down I know it's because they love me. Despite my longing to be left alone, someone will always be there for me. That's my one big happy family.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
A good support is all we need...
It turned out that as a girl with average size of 'equipment' and no particular fetish for anything lacey or racy, the act of bra shopping was quite simple. But when you're a 36D cup, one has to pause and think for a moment. Firstly, I never realised the variety of style a bra comes in. Alright, I know the lacey stuff, the t-shirt ones, the special sporty but to go down one level and find out about push up, demi bra, 3/4 cup, half cup, full coverage, racerback, second skin, wireless (and I'm not talking tech-lingo here), bralette, triangle???? And then decide the level of comfort against the different level of aesthetics? Oh, this is nice and sexy but doesn't look comfy... Well, this is one is definitely a little matronly but it's smooth and holds them nice.
Aaaaaargh!!! This is too much. When was the last time I had to bra-shop again??
In the modern era of pain strikingly thin super models and the constant bombardment of slimming facilities, a girl has to be strong in handling her own bodily pressures. Not literally, of course. The media does not make it easy for a woman to be appreciated as an individual. We are often reduced to either a set of numbers, or an imagery that's not true to the real woman. We are challenged to 'look' beautiful; with the emphasis on the 'look' rather than the notion of beauty. Who's looking? Why is that person looking? What is she/he looks for? These questions are hardly asked, therefore 'looking beautiful' never goes beneath the surface. It lingers on to the careful styling of an art director and more often not, the amazing works of Photoshop.
So, when a girl goes bra shopping, how does she decide? Something that will make her look beautiful? Or something that will make her feel beautiful? An hour and half later, my grumbling stomach became the deciding factor. As I've always been an advocate of comfort, I stuck to my beliefs and chose a girlie pink half cup. Being philosophical when buying a bra doesn't help much. A girl to its own demise.
For my girlfriend, I'm her demise... Hope you like the bra.
I was too hungry to worry.
Viva Victoria's Secret!