Sunday, May 29, 2005

Staying sane

In the midst of stressful work environment, people deals with it differently. One particular director I'm working with now deals with it by doing two things: bitching about how things are supposed to be done (which mind you, only happens in utopia and hence, a job is NEVER done under ideal situation) and telling dirty jokes. Since all members of the team are male, except for me, the conversations can take very interesting turns. It is quite amazing the amount of innuendos that come possibly come on the most serious matter. Hearing it constantly for 12 working hours can be quite tiring, even if they're mostly funny. But since it's my director's way to deal with his stress - and keeping everyone's stress level minimal; I learned to shut my ears and IGNORE.

That's how I deal with my stress. Ignore what needed to be ignored.

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