Friday, April 29, 2005


A: ... This is why I only do commercial work for a few months in the year
C: Why?
A: It sucks you up and make you dumb. It leaves no room for anything else
C: Yeah, how I wish there are more than 24 hours in the day
A: Yes, then we'll have more time..
C: To watch movies, to read, to listen to music...
A: When we don't do that, we stopped learning and that becomes very dangerous..
C: You lose yourself in what you do. Forgetting why you do things in the first place...

That is probably why I chose to stay up for another 3-4 hours after finishing that bit of conversation around 11 pm. I read a bit, talked with my house mate a bit more. Struggling to hang on to what is left of the day and stealing the new hours of tomorrow.

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