I was sure that the above things were also in the heads of the couple staying in a unit below my room. The room was secluded and private (... so much so that even a private pool was provided), after all they must have paid a hefty price for this convenience. They took advantage of it, of course... not realising that on one lovely afternoon, a girl just happened to raise her neck a little too high above the pool to accidently take part in their privacy. I stayed quiet, held back my laughter inside and frantically invited my friend to quickly jumped in the pool to share the experience. The couple was just talking to each other in their pool. Stark naked.
At breakfast the next day, one friend suddenly realised that another couple was a friend of another friend. It seemed to bother him that in this remote place on another side of the ocean, somebody knew who he was. I don't know how much it bothers him because we didn't talk about it again.
That goes to say that one can only attempt to protect oneself from other people; from meeting people you know and who knows you; we often let our guard down thinking that for once we are completely safe. That we can just be ourselves for the world to see. After all, isn't that why we go on to these retreats? To spend invaluable times with our inner self, and not be bothered with the various faces we need to put on as we carefully tread our daily lives? At the end of it, we would never know. As my friend and I lowered our necks and talked about our voyeuristic experience, we also appreciate the blissfulness of not knowing (...or them not knowing). That like the couples below, we try and do our best to not care, to enjoy the moments as they are and embrace the unexpected they bring.
Thanks BB for the title!
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