Today is the last day of 2006. I still find it hard to believe that this year went by THAT quickly. Everything felt like a fleeting moment; like walking on water, like going through peak hour on the streets of HK.
I looked through my journals and blog to try to remember what 2006 is all about. Nothing much happened; nothing huge or significant. 2006 is a year of in between jobs, taking chances, and living a dream. In retrospect 2006 is more like a preparation for what comes next, be it career, love and relationships, and life in general.
There were moments where I lost vision of where I wanted to be. I confused common sense with adult maturity. For some time I was trying to become someone I was not; in the name of reponsibility and growing up. I had my heart broken. I had my trust betrayed. I doubted myself. I learned to love and let go, took a chance and lost, but learned a greater lesson of acceptance. I learned to give in and be totally honest with myself, even if it means hurting some people along the way.
September was a big month. It marked a renewal of spirit which lingers on to this very day as I'm ushering in the new year. The rest of the year after September went by like magic. It was in surrendering that things started to happen. Good things. Very good things. I am lucky. I am blessed and forever grateful for everything that had happened in 2006.
I have a good thing going... and I'm taking on 2007 with a big bang!!
16 years ago