America is a land of dreams; where anyone can come and try out their luck, and history has proven that hard work borne fruitful results. It is a country where everyone comes from somewhere sometime in their history. And despite economic hardships, social unrests, class struggle and global challenges, the dreams never die. They come in the form of a French immigrant wanting to experience constant sunshine in California, the Chinese parent who arrived in the midwest knowing very little English because he wants to give his children a better education, the Ecuadorian missionary wanting to raise fund for his cause, the Indonesian who chose his future over his family back home. These stories are everywhere. These people build the great American stories of perseverance and hard work.
4 weeks in North America changed my perception of the USA. I realised that even if USA's foreign policies and actions globally are questionable, they don't tell us anything about the American people. Political statements and media rhetorics can not be translated to what the nation is all about. It is not about defending USA in any point, but more of an awakening that sometimes we throw judgements without enough information. We formed an opinion based on hear say.
Once I was home, I was also faced with numerous enveleopes. Bills. Things that needed to paid. Sigh. It is time to face the demons of my travels; the good meals and the excellent wine, that little memento bought on the side of the street. It is time to stay put and work, once again so I can go away again.
Until next time. Until the next trip.
1 comment:
and the next trip is.... SOUTH AFRICA! 2010!!
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