Somebody asked me, "Why are you nice to me?" Hmmm... I don't know. I just am. Hehehe... Good upbringing? Because I feel like it? One of my biggest weaknesses (... or some say strength) is to do things without thinking. I would do them impulsively because they feel right.
At times when black and white is disputable; when right or wrong is negotiable; doing what you feel is right is not easy to do. There are pressures to keep yourself balanced, to maintain a stable relationship between your heart and your head. The challenge is to use your head to weigh all information in hand but use your heart to decide. The head can only give you factual information but can not tell you of the nuances, the context, the numerous abstract emotions that are involved. The heart feels them but it must be guided by facts so that the decision becomes "an informed decision".
I suppose being nice is something that one does without thinking. It's sincerity in action. You do something because without thinking, it's the most natural thing to do.
16 years ago
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