Anyone who never wonders about their mundane routine please raise their hand?
Yep. Don't think so. I'm sure that absolutely everyone bitches and moans about their routine and how it sucks because it's the same thing day in and day out. Work is a routine, even if our occupation sends us to a different place everyday, meeting different people, doing a variation of things -- getting up in the morning to start a day or work is a routine. Going home late at night and having to deal with making dinner, or making a decision to eat out can easily turn into a routine. Our daily existence is a routine. It is mainly a set of regulated activities despite our efforts to offset it.
As the word routine becomes the epitome of evil that needs to be shaken off the reality is that the hardest trick to get out of a routine is not to start a new routine. Someone who hates his job can find a new job, that's supposed to be more fulfilling and pays better but who is there to say that the new job won't put him in a similar position? Damn! I need to get out of my routine -- or simply need a break from it.
What do you do then?
A friend came up with this idea and I'd like to throw it out there to see if there are any takers... When we are gasping for air in the hecticness of our routine, we can't immediately move on and do something else. We need to take a deep breath and consume. Something. Anything. Good music. Good film. Good coffee. It is good to consume something that might inspire creativity; disrupt the all so known pattern of logical thinking and mechanistic actions. We need to offset our automated responses and reflexes in order for the imagination to run free and be open to more creative solutions. It is only when we are fresh; we can start producing something that is of value and maybe, maybe,... just maybe have a nice break from our routine.
So last night I ran home and put on my Desperate Housewives DVD again. Hey, I'm consuming clever writing. ;)
16 years ago
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