Sunday, January 22, 2006

Long and Winding Road

How come no one ever told me that cross roads can be long and winded and never ending? How come nobody ever said anything about the little avenues that branch out of the roads?

And when I told somebody that I'm as lost as a little puppy dog, people gave me different directions. One guy said, pick one that looks the easiest. An old woman said, pick the most lucrative. One boy said, go to where it will make you happy. A grandfather said make a list and match it with where you want to be in 20 years. I looked at all of them. More confused than ever before.

I wish I can be the same girl like 5 years ago, who took a chance without even thinking. Darn this growing up business! Darn trying to be logical! Darn this whole bloody reason!! Let's hope I get through this cross roads. It's like a friggin endurance test!!

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