Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Forever Unfitting

Once somebody starts traveling around the globe, the bug stays and the person is infected for life. It becomes a terminal condition that has no cure. Not only that, there are also some side effects and issues that emerge from the whole experience. Anyone who's been away from home for a significant amount of time, would enter a period of confusion and unsettledness upon returning. You begin to question your notion of home. And where home really is.

I have that disease. And I may have contracted the forever unfitting disease. I'll constantly feel like floating between places, traddling for solid ground. It's a curse.


Anonymous said...

Home is where the heart is. Find your "happy" place and you'll find home. Don't worry - you'll sort it through...

Anonymous said...

feel the same way. all i know is that for me home is found when i get my heated caffeine from the little coffee shop around the corner. whereever the corner is.

...or i might just be an addict.
