After a few weeks of denial, I finally left the great comfort of JS & SS's house to start my own adventure. I moved into my own apartment last Saturday, whilst still working on the morning shift, and started at 6am for the past 5 days. I can't remember the last time I was so tired. That Saturday, my roomate Kenneth and I roamed IKEA alleyways, running around Giant, shopping for the house. Imagine making an empty house liveable. Trust me, it's more than just furniture.
Our first guest arrived on my third night. My luggage was still lying around, my desk was not assembled, but the kitchen looks like a real kitchen (minus a fridge), and we can have cool drinks, drip coffee and microwaveable meals. City gas was only turned on yesterday afternoon, and Kenneth cooked our first pasta on our own stove. We sat down in our living room, sipping wine, and feeling pleased with ourselves. As our guest pointed out, the place is still barren. We have no curtain, no paintings, no decorations, no dining table. This looks like anybody's house; we have yet to put our marks in it.
This is home. It's not complete and there's still a lot of work to be done, but it is our new home. And when Theresa, my other roomate moves in next week, the house will be even more alive as she has two dogs. And oh, we're going to have curtains!
Have faith.