Saturday, February 26, 2005


Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
XIANTIANDI means Heaven on Earth.
I say no more...


SHA St_2
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
The smiles on my clients faces are living testimony of the sweatshop in China. The bags in the background cost nothing more than 100-150 RMB, that's around US$10. It's fake branded stuff all around.

No money laaa.. Friend. friend. Good Friend. Discount...

Oh, I bought a fake wallet simply for a fact that the girl who sold it to me chase me half the block of the market. That's for perseverence and persistence. 10 Points for that.


Winter Trees

SHA St_3
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
Jakarta has only 2 seasons: the hot season and the rainy season. We have the luxury of lush green trees all year round, but no alternative. Which is why I love the trees in Shanghai. They make gloomy days much more romantic.


Chinatown of China

SHA St_1
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
In the morning of February 16th I arrived in Shanghai, Paris of the East for post production. The chilly winter breeze welcomed us in kind. The air was fresh and the feeling familiar. It felt a lot like Melbourne winter, and all of a sudden I was overcome by feelings of nostalgia.

After a few hours of sleep, we roamed the streets of old Shanghai. The city is still half asleep from Chinese New Year Holiday, but being the world's most populated country one could hardly tell the difference. We visited the Yu'an Gardens and walked the streets of Old China. The Shanghai Chinatown. How more authentic do you want to be, Chinatown in China?? The buildings reminded me of kungfu movies. I had images in my head of flying sword fighting from one roof to another, and a smile just appeared.

Here's to figments of my childhood. Kungfu movies in Chinatown of China.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Up Up and Away

Ni hao...

In roughly 18 hours, I will find myself landing in a strange land that is the world's most populated country. CHINA. Work brings me into Shanghai, the Paris of the East.

Welcome to Chinese winterland.

Next time you hear from me, it will from a distant land. Watch out for more tales.

Friday, February 11, 2005

At the end of the tunnel

Window 1
Originally uploaded by Spunkycynth.
After much bitching and worrying, the shoot is finally over. We did well despite running out of light on the last day, when we had to come back again to take some more background plates with digital stills.

Waking up on that Sunday morning was exceptionally hard, but when everything was done the feeling of satisfaction made it all worthwhile. My boss used to say that the boat will come ashore, eventually. It did. Without fail.

Life is much like this picture. No matter how hard, how trapped one feels, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. With a little bit of hope and perseverence, the dream is yours.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Work again

It's 9 pm Jakarta time and I'm waiting in anguish for my talent to arrive and have a final fitting. If the last few posts had all been about work, it's because it is the main thing my life at the moment. For the last few days I have been running on a 9-12 mode. 12 pm. My body is really feeling it now.

My neck is sore and my back is ready to break any second.

It's going to take a lot more to break my spirit though. We shoot tomorrow and we have to shoot tomorrow. In 2 days time everything will be over. And then there are 2 public holidays.

I need a massage.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Today my first subscription of a daily newspaper arrived. I only had time to read it in the car (whilst driving; not recommended at all and can only be done in the midst of Jakarta heavy traffic) and the moment I got into the office work just consumed me like mad. Things just began to go wrong, one by one and a few times I had to go inside my room, blasted the music and cooled down.

It's just a job.

I was reminded by a wise man that beneath all this, I actually love it. The sadomasochist that I am, I do. I love this job. I just hate what it's doing to my time, my health and my sanity. This job has its perks though. In order to finish this job, I'm going to Shanghai for a few days. All expenses paid. It'll be my first serious winter anywhere. 0 degrees. Frozen winter. Icy cold. Yipeee!!

D-2 before shoot days. How I wish it'll be over soon.